So now i'm going to touch on two maps which have not been touched much from their layouts and map designs outside of cosmetics and some minor changes in between the games - dust2 and inferno.( I haven't forgotten about de_Nuke but that'll be touched on in the near future).
de_inferno is considered one of the most balanced maps in the history of counter-strike mainly due to the equal times it would take from A bombsite and the B bombsite for BOTH teams. Where de_train had fast times of rotation from outer to inner for the counter-terrorists than it would with the terrorists, the times of rotations for the CT, specifically from apartments to B-bombsites and vice versa, can be relatively long but overall it's a pretty fast rotate for the players of archway on both sites. The terrorist path of rotation from alt mid or apartments to banana and vice versa, are equally long. Furthermore 2 areas of the map, mid and banana, are easy paths to cut off for either side if they attempt to abuse that path of rotation.On CSGO little has changed outside of a few minor changes - most notably the constricted pathways for apartments and banana - the map's layout has not changed much. This is GOOD. By not really changing much of the map the balance of the map should not have swayed too much. While i could make a big stink over the placing of the fountain in the B bombsite, having a construction site where L-halls was or the fast rotation path from CT archways to B from my play through these things have not really changed much from one version of CS to another. This allows for the metagame to change very little and the strategies and tactics should be applicable from one game to the other
dust2 is THE iconic map of counter-strike. Where most people who have played halo will know wizard or warlock, quake will know DM6 and starcraft will have played a game on lost temple CS is the cs communities map. IT goes without saying that this map will not be changed much, if at all.
That does not mean this is a perfectly balanced map as, with the exception of long A, every single pathway on the map is easily accessible by the terrorists, and not for the counter-terrorists. The map has a middle area which is connected to every since pathway and there are more entry point for the terrorist side to this area than there are for the counter-terrorists. However the benefits of this are marginal as a strong CT side could be dominate their half and win it outright. However for the most part this goes in the way of the terrorists however slightly(IE 9-6, 8-7, 10-5 for the T's).
Similar thing to inferno, while there have been some minor changes(the big box in middle is slightly shorter and makes it able to be jumped on it and then ton cat walk, the boxes on lower can be jumped onto etc) for the most part the overall format and layout remains unchanged. This allow, like inferno, for the same strategies, the same tactics, the same metagame to transfer over and from the recent CSGO tournament in Copenhagen it appears that the T sided nature has been toned down a bit, but that could be more the player than the map.
Overall these 2 maps display the old saying "if it aint broke, don't fix it." Most people, outside of the hardcore gamers who play this game for a decade like myself, will not notice these changes and most people will not even care - and for the most part these changes do not really hurt the game as a whole.
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