coL drops CS - "who cares, the CGS ruined their credibility"
mTw drops CS - "who cares, they've been bad for like 2 years now"
EG drops CS - "who cares about american CS?"
Mouz drops CS - "they haven't been good since cyx died"
Lions drops CS - "who cares they're the 3rd swedish team"
WCG stops PC gaming - "just like cArn said, WCG is a joke"
WEM drops CS - "They weren't important anyway"
IEM rumored to stop hosting 1.6 - "we have 70k viewers why would they stop?"
DreamHack looks to be moving more for sc2 - "who cares dreamhack is just a glorified lan party"
Seriously guys, it's bad when we're losing basically ALL of our infrastructure. I don't want our game to be an also ran or a not-ran-at-all. I'm sorry lurppis and cArn, you mother fuckers aren't helping our game grow anymore, seems like you disregard all the progress that CSGO has made because it was bad 6 months ago. CSPROMOD will NEVER, EVER, EVER, work - especially with CSGO right around the corner. Why? CSP has been slow to develop - it took 4 years for them to release thier first beta version and it takes them 6 months per update - whereas the CSGO development is weekly and they seem to start to give a shit about our tournaments, our scene and attempting to grow our scene and trying to get our game as close to the version we love. But, just like CSP, you'd rather have the game die because it was IMMEDIATELY because it was EXACTLY like 1.6 - and you seem to forget that from beta 1 to beta 5 of the original game CS wasn't ANYTHING like what we have now. Hell even 1.0 to1.3 is nothing like the version we've been playing for the last 6 years.
Basically it's CSGO or bust for us, and it's rather sad you'd rather have bust than help build CSGO.
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