Well I've not written in a while for a number of reason: i spent about a week walking around a meadow(which turned into a dust bowl) in Tennessee watching some best damn bands in of the world and then i just didn’t write for a while out of sheer laziness and apathy. And i caught up on my sleep and television.
But i missed some of the juiciest bits in eSports during that time span. And i just can’t resist all the pent of shit I've yet to spew out onto the page. So here’s my take of some of this stuff
SK steals Delpan from fnatic
If you are unfamiliar with the topic here’s the down low: Delpan, who is signed with fnatic’s prestigious counter-strike division, was signed to the biggest eSports organization in the world, Sk-gaming, who just happens to be the long time rival of that organization. Oh yeah, and the same fucking thing happened this time last year when GuX went to fnatic from Sk.
So what’s my take? Fuck both of them. SK-gaming should’ve had the moral high ground and been legit, buy out delpan’s contract and show fnatic how to run a god damn eSports organization. But they didn’t and decided to to take the low road and do the same thing they bitched about last year.
Fnatic’s a little bitch who got what was coming to them for stealing GuX last year:it’s karma, turnabout is fair play. You can’t just be a dick to people(laughing off sk-gaming and the G7’s negotiations to try to get them to pay SK for gux) and not expect for someone to to punch you in the face eventually. But it’s even worse because they had the nerve to complain about it.
To be honest i wanted this shit to go to court more than anything. So that this shit can never happen again. But fnatic is to much of a pussy to take Sk to court and SK would probably just end up paying fnatic off anyways.
Well at least we know that the contracts in eSports are still shitty.
Root Gaming is bought by compLexity: stars make team reign
Root Gaming finally decided enough was enough and saw that players can’t really manage themselves and compete at the highest level and get sponsors at the same time so they decided to close up shop and go to the second biggest organization in North American eSports - compLexity.
Is this a good idea? Part of me says yes. CompLexity gets the top tier talent they need to bolster their - quite frankly - shit tier starcraft lineup and root gets the sponsorships and time they need in order to properly compete as players.
What really confuses me is why would some of the stars - kiwikaki and slush - would look a gift horse in the mouth and decide to continue wondering if they can get to events by forming a new team, tewam reign. Frankly their ‘sponsor’ VT-gaming is a joke in comparison to compLexity. I was hoping that EG, fnatic, or Sk would approach these guys and sign them with a big ass deal that keep them set for life. But no. They decide to continue to eat top ramen and freak out every time they have to get to a LAN event.
Why? Worrying about whether you can travel sure must be fun. Or maybe they just don’t like money. What ever the reason they’re fucking stupid. What’re they worried about - coL abusing them and not sending them to events? When has that ever happened? Shit they’ve DROPPED teams for not wanting to go to events. Worried they’d go under? Jason lake’s got a law degree and is working for a law firm(and has almost bankrupted himself flying the former coL.cs team around the world) and he’s got two guys behind him who aren’t exactly broke - one who ran a pro CS team out of his own pocket and the other knows how to manage and run a business - i seriously doubt they’ll ever go under with these owners. And that doesn’t even look at their sponsors(who are apparently godlike).
Seriously, why? I still don’t know what they’re thinking.
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