Well back to tooting the counter-strike horn. I’ve started to notice a good thing is starting up(again).Every body's favorite North American counter-strike player Jordan “n0thing” Gilbert has started streaming(occasionally) and made his own vlog/demo reviewing YouTube channel...although outside of a single vlog, not much has been made.
However, across the pond in Europe we have possibly the smartest player in counter-strike Patrik “cArn” Sättermon has started his theory of counter-strike which can be found on the fnatic website as well as a private youtube channel. He’s already released four episodes, all four being demo reviews.
Both of these players also have twitter pages, n0things being @jgilbertoh and cArn’s being @Sattermon. Both seems to be tweeting very regularly, and from what I've experienced they’ve been very responsive to both critique, questions, and do actually answer back to tweets sent their way.
Hopefully these start a trend towards More counter-strike pros doing the day9 thing and start doing commentary over demos and review them which may lead to better counter-strike understanding and maybe attract new people.
Now back to ignoring this paper which is due tomorrow.
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