Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Well at least we’re closer

On the most recent state of the game( ) Tyler "NonY" Wasieleski raised some issues with the North American Star League’s rule preventing teams from having more than five players in the tournament at a time - stating that this would effectively punish bigger teams, like Wasieleski’s own Team Liquid, for having more players. He goes on to state that most teams, the vast majority of them, have well over the 5 player cap and there would be no benefits to being on this team whose spots would be given to the more veteran team.

Well i can think of one; it’s a pretty obvious one too. Development. Something like a farm system in baseball. Asking this question - why recruit more than 9 players(10 with a closer) for a baseball team? Because some of those players - the younger ones - will take the spots of those who are aging, and whose talent may be better because they were allowed to play with the older, more experienced players.

Furthermore this will be somewhat of an informal salary cap for teams - if you can only field five players per tournament, having 10 or 15 players is pretty extravagant. This will allow teams - which sponsor more than one game like compLexity, Evil Geniuses, and MouseSports - to push their traveling costs and the “pure” gaming organizations like Team Liquid and Root Gaming may be able to really compete with the bigger organizations - who like big market teams in sports - have bigger pay rolls. With this come s the creation of “farm teams” so to speak as the big teams will send there less experienced players to another team - while still being owned by the bigger organization.

This will also allow for inter-team competition, like those in the professional starcraft in korea, which breeds talent and pushes people, who all want to compete, to do their best in practice to compete for the big dough in the NASL.